No, you're not imagining it, another post for the week...
I have had the usual busy weeks at work and at home (maybe even more so lately it seems)... it is just a fact of life that I do not make it home during the work week before the kiddos get to bed each night (my goal is to make it home "early" to see them at least 2x/week) and then we basically spend every minute together on the weekends, which I cherish to no end.
Most weekends are pretty jam-packed with activities, sports (depending on the season), family stuff and the like. If you can believe it - we had 4 birthday parties between 2 of our 3 kiddos last weekend? Can you just imagine when our littlest starts school and makes his own friends? Talk about lots of driving around and multitasking to get all of the other usual weekend stuff done!
But now don't get me wrong - this is post is not a vent by any means (wasn't sure if it sounded that way), as I really love my career (and yes, before you roll your eyes - let me caveat and say that I love it as much as one would love a career - obviously if I was fabulously wealthy I wouldn't be working - LOL...). It is not a walk in the park or perfect by any means, but it is challenging and rewarding in many ways. Some may think this is weird or may judge given that I am a mom of 3 wonderful kiddos that I love and adore with all of my heart, but I don't think that every mother is best suited to be a SAHM. Maybe I am wrong, but I think that this is the way for me to be the best mom I can be.
Now while I know that life is never perfect and there are always things that you want to change, I love my life and know that I am very fortunate that it is so very well-rounded and filled with people who love me, people I love and things that are important to me (yes - sometimes it is a little crazy and I often feel like I am going to at some point drop one of the proverbial balls I am constantly juggling). Now if I could only get some more stamping in?! :P
This post isn't really about anything, just me typing out loud. I wasn't even sure where this was going to go or if I am really even going to post it.... I don't know why I have been thinking about my state of being lately, as this is how life has been for me since the kiddos were born... maybe just one of those moods, right?
Oh and my card for the day? This is actually the card I made for my littlest guys birthday at the beginning of last month. Another Paper Trey Ink creation... loving the Text Box set and of course the go-to sentiment...