And a family highlight...we passed a (IMO) fairly big milestone this weekend - my whole family went to the movies together for the first time!! Up to this point, one of us have always had to stay home with the younger/youngest because there was nooooo way they would be able to sit through a movie. But on Friday, I got home early enough that after dinner, and we headed out to the theatre to finally see Kung Fu Panda - which by the way, was an adorable movie (Pixar never disappoints our family). We had been saying that Matthew was probably ready for the movies given that he loves watching them in the car. The second you get in and before you even have time to put the key in the ignition, you are sure to hear, "TV! TV!" from him in the back seat!! He did a great job, although he did fall asleep before the end. He was hiding his eyes on my husband's lap from the "scary part" and he ended up putting himself to sleep right there and then. He has such a blast at camp during the day, that he obviously wore himself out from a long week. But now we know that we can all go! Our next movie is going to be Wall-E, I think.
Anyway, so onto to the cards for this post. My wonderful dad turned 60 this past week and we are celebrating this milestone with a family dinner which also includes his close friends. I used all PTI stuff, except for the "60", which is SU- Big Deal Numbers (love that set!). Went for a more guy look, so I skipped any embellies. The Brilliance ink (the blue dots), always comes out so shimmery and neat, so I left it at that. I think that my dad will like it.

1 comment:
Wow, I can never seem to get good looking guy cards... probably because I love my ribbon too much. ;-) HOpe your dad had a wonderful birthday!
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